Monday, May 11, 2015

Deadpool and Sonic part 11: Meet Maestro

Deadpool and Sonic are now up against Maestro, the EVIL HULK! Sonic tried to spin dash towards him, but Maestro smacked him out of the way. Sonic was felt the agonizing pain, coursing through him. Sonic had never seen such power. Maestro: (grabbing deadpool by the head.) I have been waiting for you, Wade Wilson. I knew you would, one day, show yourself. I have big plans for you! Sonic: spin dashing Maestro from behind.) What ever it is. It's not happen'. Maestro was furious! He reached for Sonic, but the hedgehog ran up his arm onto his shoulder. Sonic mocked him, causing Maestro to become furious. Maestro: (grabbing sonic by the throat.) I'll kill you!!! Deadpool pulled out his machine gun, and shot Maestro. the bullets were strong enough to hurt Maestro, causing him to drop Sonic. Deadpool: (going over to help sonic up.) Careful, Sonic. His strength increases in proportion with his anger. Sonic: (sarcastically.) Oh, that is just wonderful! Next thing you know, he'll be breaking the sound barrier by just clapping his hands! Maestro did just that. He clapped his hands, creating a disruption in the sound barrier, hurting Sonic and Deadpool's ears. Sonic and Deadpool were laying on the floor in pain. Maestro: (approaching them.) Now to end this.
To be continued...

Evil Deadpool and scourge part 10: Evil Opposites

Sonic and Deadpool are at the mall, buying pancake mix. Sonic: Did you remember to get the vanilla? Deadpool: I thought you got it. Suddenly, a man resembling Deadpool came in, shooting at the ceiling. Everyone froze in fear. Deadpool: Evil Deadpool?! Evil Deadpool: That's right! Now nobody move! This is a stick-up!!! Suddenly, a green hegdehog resembling Sonic came into the building. Sonic: Scourge!? Scourge: Hello, Sonic. Me and my partner, Evil Deadpool, have been looking for you. Evil Deadpool: Yeah! Our boss mentioned, you were a threat to his plans. Scourge: (slapping evil deadpool upside the head.) You idiot! You've said to much! Deadpool tries to pull out his gun, but Evil Deadpool shoots it out of his hand. Sonic leaps towards Evil Deadpool, kicking him in the face. Scourge jumps at Deadpool, kicking him in the face. (This is starting to get, real repetitive. |=(. ) Deadpool: Who's this guy? Sonic: He's an evil version of me from another dimension. How about you? Evil Deadpool: I'm made of the body parts of him from other realities. Sonic gave him a wide stare. Deadpool pulled out his gun, trying to shoot Scourge, but he used his super speed to dodge the bullets. Scourge: Yipee-Kai- Yay!!! Evil Deadpool pulled out his sword and swung, only getting the hairs on the back of Sonic's head. Sonic: Thanks! I needed a trim! Deadpool managed to kick Scourge in the face, knocking him down. Scourge was bleeding, as Deadpool was beating him. Sonic: Deadpool, stop! Deadpool: (stopping.) Killjoy. Suddenly, a portal opend. Out came a large, green, muscular man, with a white beard. The Green man: Hello Deadpool, it's been so long. Deadpool: Hulk, is that you? The Green man: I go by Maestro, now.
To be continued...

Deadpool and Sonic part 9: Duck Season.

Sonic, Tails and Deadpool are at Taco Bell, eating chimichangas. Sonic: (eating a chimichanga.) This is good, Deadpool, but I prefer chilidogs. Deadpool: I respect you're opinion. Suddenly, Deadpool heard a voice in his head. Voice #1: Don't lie, Wade! Deadpool: Oh, shut up! Tails: Exscuse me? Deadpool: Sorry, I was talking to one of the voices in my head. Sonic and Tails starred at him, whith wide eyes. Voice #2: It's true! Deadpool: They can't hear you! Suddenly, the front door blew open. Appearing from the rubble was a green duck. The Duck: (in a British accent.) Well, hellooooooo, everyone! The names Bean the Dynamite Duck! I'm hear to steal you're money... AND CHIMICHANGAS!!! Deadpool: (pulling out his swords.) You'll never get my chimichangas! NEVER!!! Bean: (suprised.) Hey! Aren't you Deadpool, from Marvel comics? Deadpool: (putting up his swords.) Aren't you Bean, from Sonic Archie comics? Bean and Deadpool: (directly in each other's faces.) YOU'RE MY FAVORITE COMIC BOOK CHARACTER!!! Deadpool: I guess I have to- wait! You break the 4th wall, too? Bean: Everyone on Mobius breaks the 4th wall! Deadpool: Sonic! Why didn't you tell me this? Sonic: Why didn't you ask? Bean: Sorry. Geuss I gotta fight you. Deadpool: No hard feelings. I'll try not to be to rough with ya! Bean jumped up, and punched Deadpool, strait in the nose, breaking it. Voice #1: You okay? Deadpool: (snapping his nose back into place.) Of course, I'm okay! For a voice in my head, you sure don't know nothing about me! Deadpool: (punching bean in the beak.) Hey, Daffy! It's duck season! Ahahahaha!!! Sonic curled up into a ball and dashed towards Bean, causing him to fly out the window. Bean was knocked out. The police came, took Bean away and they continued eating. Sonic: (to the narrator.) What about the front door!? Deadpool: Who cares? I just wanna eat!
The end.

Saturday, May 2, 2015

Deadpool and Sonic part 8: Here we go again!

Deadpool and Sonic are at now Downtown Mobotropillis. Eggman: Well, look who's here! Sonic: Hey, Baldy Mc-Nosehair! Eggman growled with anger. The mad scientist pressed a button, transforming his egg-mobile into a huge tank. Eggman: (from within the tank.) Behold! The Big Ultimate Termination Tank! Ahohohoho!!! Deadpool: The B.U.T.T.? Hahahahaha!!! Eggman: How could I have missed that?! Sonic: It's, actually fitting, seeing as how that's what we came here to kick! Deadpool: (hi fiveing sonic.) Awe, yeah, son! Now that's what I'm talking about! Deadpool pulls out his guns, shooting the tank. Eggman was infuriated. He pressed a button, launching missiles at Deadpool. Deadpool exploded, he was nothing but a head. Sonic: (picking his head up.) Why, Eggman!?! He was so young!!! Deadpool: (still a head.) Don't worry, Sonic! Just clap and I'll come back to life! Sonic: (dropping his head.) AAAAHHHH!!! Eggman: AAAAHHHH!!! Deadpool: AAAAHHHH!!! Sonic: (still in shock.) WHY ARE YOU SCREAMING!?! Deadpool: (regenerating.) Everyone else was doing it. Sonic tried not to faint, Eggman was enraged. Eggman: Curse you, and you're healing factor, Deadpool!!! (Calming down.) I know when I'm beat. (Leaving.) I'll be back!!! Deadpool: (fully regenerated.) Let's go home. Sonic: (seeing deadpool without his clothes.) ........ Sssuuurrreee. Meanwhile, at Dr. Eggman's lair. Eggman: (thinking to himself.) I wonder why Deadpool was dressed as a French maid.
The end.