Monday, May 11, 2015

Deadpool and Sonic part 11: Meet Maestro

Deadpool and Sonic are now up against Maestro, the EVIL HULK! Sonic tried to spin dash towards him, but Maestro smacked him out of the way. Sonic was felt the agonizing pain, coursing through him. Sonic had never seen such power. Maestro: (grabbing deadpool by the head.) I have been waiting for you, Wade Wilson. I knew you would, one day, show yourself. I have big plans for you! Sonic: spin dashing Maestro from behind.) What ever it is. It's not happen'. Maestro was furious! He reached for Sonic, but the hedgehog ran up his arm onto his shoulder. Sonic mocked him, causing Maestro to become furious. Maestro: (grabbing sonic by the throat.) I'll kill you!!! Deadpool pulled out his machine gun, and shot Maestro. the bullets were strong enough to hurt Maestro, causing him to drop Sonic. Deadpool: (going over to help sonic up.) Careful, Sonic. His strength increases in proportion with his anger. Sonic: (sarcastically.) Oh, that is just wonderful! Next thing you know, he'll be breaking the sound barrier by just clapping his hands! Maestro did just that. He clapped his hands, creating a disruption in the sound barrier, hurting Sonic and Deadpool's ears. Sonic and Deadpool were laying on the floor in pain. Maestro: (approaching them.) Now to end this.
To be continued...

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