Monday, May 11, 2015

Deadpool and Sonic part 9: Duck Season.

Sonic, Tails and Deadpool are at Taco Bell, eating chimichangas. Sonic: (eating a chimichanga.) This is good, Deadpool, but I prefer chilidogs. Deadpool: I respect you're opinion. Suddenly, Deadpool heard a voice in his head. Voice #1: Don't lie, Wade! Deadpool: Oh, shut up! Tails: Exscuse me? Deadpool: Sorry, I was talking to one of the voices in my head. Sonic and Tails starred at him, whith wide eyes. Voice #2: It's true! Deadpool: They can't hear you! Suddenly, the front door blew open. Appearing from the rubble was a green duck. The Duck: (in a British accent.) Well, hellooooooo, everyone! The names Bean the Dynamite Duck! I'm hear to steal you're money... AND CHIMICHANGAS!!! Deadpool: (pulling out his swords.) You'll never get my chimichangas! NEVER!!! Bean: (suprised.) Hey! Aren't you Deadpool, from Marvel comics? Deadpool: (putting up his swords.) Aren't you Bean, from Sonic Archie comics? Bean and Deadpool: (directly in each other's faces.) YOU'RE MY FAVORITE COMIC BOOK CHARACTER!!! Deadpool: I guess I have to- wait! You break the 4th wall, too? Bean: Everyone on Mobius breaks the 4th wall! Deadpool: Sonic! Why didn't you tell me this? Sonic: Why didn't you ask? Bean: Sorry. Geuss I gotta fight you. Deadpool: No hard feelings. I'll try not to be to rough with ya! Bean jumped up, and punched Deadpool, strait in the nose, breaking it. Voice #1: You okay? Deadpool: (snapping his nose back into place.) Of course, I'm okay! For a voice in my head, you sure don't know nothing about me! Deadpool: (punching bean in the beak.) Hey, Daffy! It's duck season! Ahahahaha!!! Sonic curled up into a ball and dashed towards Bean, causing him to fly out the window. Bean was knocked out. The police came, took Bean away and they continued eating. Sonic: (to the narrator.) What about the front door!? Deadpool: Who cares? I just wanna eat!
The end.

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