In the year, 2019, an anti-hero, ninja mercenary named Deadpool had just handled another contract at a special research facility, working on a cryogenic freezing system, which you'll see is important in a moment. Deadpool decided to take a moment to sit back and relax. However, the chair he sat on had a weak leg, due to accidentally shooting it. The chair broke, and Deadpool fell into one of the freeze tubes. Deadpool: (while about to be frozen.) Oh, crap! 3,000 years later, Deadpool unfroze to find he was in a new location. Deadpool: (looking confused.) Geez! This building went through a lot of changes. Then, Deadpool noticed, what appeared to be a two-tailed fox boy at the table next to him. Deadpool: okaaay? Who are you, and are you really a fox, or a child in a fur costume? The fox: (putting down his cup of juice.) My name is Miles Prower, but you can call me Tails. By the way, you're not at the same building. I found you under some rubble, and took you to my lab. Deadpool: Yes, but are you a fox? Tails: (sternly.) Yes, I'm a fox. Suddenly a blue, teenage hedgehog came through the door, looking suprised. Tails: (happily.) Sonic, look! The guy that was frozen is out! Sonic: Hey, why do you have weapons? Deadpool: My name is Wade Wilson, but you can call me Deadpool. Also, I'm a mercenary. Sonic: (with wide eyes.) If you're a mercenary, are you good or bad? Deadpool: Well I do kill, but I only kill criminals. Sometimes for money. So I guess you can call me an anti-hero. Suddenly an alarm went off. Tails: No more time to talk! We gotta stop Robotnik! Deadpool: Oh, can I come? Sonic: You better not kill anyone. Deadpool: I make no promises.
To be continued...
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