Saturday, April 11, 2015

Deadpool and sonic part 2: Can't be killed.

At the center of mobotropillis, home of sonic, the evil Dr. Eggman is terrorizing innocent civilians with his robots. Sonic: (appearing out of nowhere.) Allright Eggman, it's over! Eggman: (firing a laser from his eggmobile.) For you, it is. You won't beat me this time, Sonic! Sonic: (pointing at deadpool.) I got a new guy, here. He's really eager to kick you're butt! Deadpool: (still trying to catch his breathe.) S-s-slow down! I can't run as fast as you, sonic. Eggman: Ha! This fool thinks he can beat me? Now, that's a laugh! Deadpool: (pulling out his guns.) Those robots of you'res look like a good way to start. Tails: Be carful, Deadpool. Deadpool: (shooting down the robots.) Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Badabing- Badabang!!! Eggman: (speaking curiously.) Impressive display. Deadpool, is it? Deadpool: (putting his guns up.)  Correct-o-mundo! What's you're name? Eggman: My name is Dr. Eggman, and I--. Deadpool inturupted, by bursting into tears of laughter. Eggman: (infuriatedly.) NO! NO! STOP! STOP LAUGHING!!! IT'S NOT FUNNY!!! Deadpool: (trying to stop.) you're right, it's not funny... It's halarious! Ahahahaha!!! Angered by Deadpool's laughing, Eggman shot a laser through his chest. Sonic: (in shock.) OMG! Deadpool!!! Deadpool: (as the hole in his chest heals, rapidly.) Don't worry, Sonic. I've got this, totally sick healing factor. I'll be fine! Eggman: (in serious shock.) Well- well- well, I'm getting out of here! But I shall return! Tails: Okaaay? Well, I think we should be getting home, now. So Deadpool, Sonic and Tails head home, enjoy the rest of the day. All is well. For now, at least.
The End. For now

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