Saturday, April 11, 2015

Deadpool and Sonic part 3: A Morning to Remember.

Sonic's house, 9: 30, AM. Sonic has awoke from bed, seeing Deadpool right infront of him. Sonic: HOLY CRAP!!! Deadpool don't do that! Deadpool: (holding a platter of pancakes.) I made you some breakfast, Sonic. I have a lot more in the kitchen, too. Sonic: How long have you been there? Deadpool: (speaking, joyfully.) since, six in the morning! Sonic: (agrivatedely.) Never do that again. Do you understand me? Deadpool: I think I do. Sonic was suprised when he got in the kitchen, because the room was loaded with pancakes, from floor to ceiling. Tails: (eating pancakes at the table.) Good morning sonic! Ya have a nice sleep? Sonic didn't awnser. He was mesmerized by the large quantities of food. Deadpool: Ah, I love the smell of 372,844 pancakes in the morning. Smells like victory. Tails: (still eating.) That it does, Deadpool. That it does. Sonic sat down and cramed as many pancakes into his mouth, as he could. Suddenly, the alarm went off, again. Sonic: (scarfing down the pancakes.) Tails, pal. Can you stay here and put the rest of these pancakes in the fridge? Tails: If it means leftovers, then yes! So Deadpool and Sonic headed towards the problem, happening in town.
To be continued...

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