Saturday, April 11, 2015

My Big Decision.

Dear readers, 
As you can tell, I have deleted every fan fiction to come before this post. The reason is because, I was not satisfied with the story I made. I don't think it's terrible, I just thought I could do better. Which is why I have decided to remake the Deadpool and sonic fan fictions. To those who might be mad that I have done this, I apologize, however it is MY fan fiction, so it's my decision. To those on deviant art, if I am to use you're art, I will remember to credit you at the end of each post, to have such pictures. I hope you, all will enjoy the remake, and I appreciate, those who love my fan fics, so much. For now, I must think up ideas for my blog. 
Sincerely, Boba fett blogger.

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